Як позбутися very?

7 березня 2019

Отже, підбірка слів, які можуть замінити very (з контекстом)⬇️⬇️

З вас❤️

  very cold = freezing (крижаний)
You must be freezing dressed in that.

very clever = brilliant (дуже розумний)
It was brilliant of him to find a solution so quickly.

very tasty = delicious (смачний)
There's always a wide selection of delicious meals to choose from

very pretty = gorgeous (дуже красивий)
The cosmetics industry uses gorgeous women to sell its skincare products

very tired = exhausted (виснажений)
She was too exhausted and distressed to talk about the tragedy.

very valuable = precious (цінний)
After four months in foreign parts, every hour at home was precious

very worried = anxious (схвильований)
She tried not to show how anxious she was about the delay

very hungry = starving (дуже голодний)
Pictures of starving children have sent many people scurrying to donate money.

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